Vision, Mission and Values
A vibrant community striving for excellence.
To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care, Harmony
We respect the dignity and worth of all the children under our care. We believe that all children can be nurtured to achieve their full potential within a school environment that is both caring and challenging. We expect all children to be respectful and responsible and to rise to the challenges of life.
Aims Of Curriculum
The aims of the curriculum are to ensure that all children are provided with learning opportunities that recognize and celebrate their uniqueness, develop their full potential. The focus is on the child as learner, and the use of a variety of teaching methodologies is an essential feature of the curriculum.
The curriculum emphasizes the need for greater attention to be paid to students with special educational needs and emphasizes the importance of achieving functional literacy and numeracy. It also draws attention to the needs of gifted children.
Outcomes Of Education
At the end of Primary school, pupils should
- Have learnt to share and put others first
- Be able to build friendships with others
- Have a lively curiosity about things
- Be able to think for and express themselves
- Take pride in their work
- Have cultivated healthy habits
- Love their nation
At the end of Secondary school, pupils should
- Have moral integrity
- Have care and concern for others
- Be able to work in teams and value every contribution
- Be enterprising and innovative
- Possess a broad-based foundation for further education
- Believe in their ability
- Have an appreciation for aesthetics